Are you achieving some success in your business but you’re ready for the next level?
Do you accept that you lack some of the knowledge and skills to grow your business?
And have you got to that point where you realise that you just can’t do it on your own?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above then enACT Was Created For YOU!
enACT helps you to navigate the challenges that come with owning a business.
Even when you’re highly motivated to succeed, none of us have the knowledge, skills and experience to tackle every aspect of business well.
It can soon feel overwhelming. There’s nobody to bounce ideas off. Business plans get shelved. And mundane (but business critical) tasks languish on your to-do list for weeks.
This is why even the world’s most successful entrepreneurs rely on the support and guidance of coaches, mentors, and mastermind groups to drive their business success.
“enACT has given me headspace and a valuable sounding board and in just 5 months, we have seen a 20% increase in revenue!”
More importantly, it has pushed my understanding of what it takes to improve my business to a whole different level. It will change your business life. It did for me!”
“Being part of enACT has helped me progress my business further than I would have thought possible in the last six months.
It gives me the confidence
How will enACT help your business?
enACT is Business Masterminding in its purest sense:
It provides a structured and supportive setting in which up to eight skilled business owners and a competent leader take time every month to focus on your business.
Unlike one-to-one business coaching where you’re guided by one person, the peer-to-peer coaching and collective problem solving that happens at an enACT meeting create the powerful ‘mastermind’ effect.
Your group will inspire and motivate you. They will guide and support you. They will also challenge you and drive you to take the actions necessary to grow your business.
If you’re looking for real Masterminding, as opposed to expert-led group coaching and mentoring…
This is the REAL deal.
Ready to try it?
Get MORE done
FASTER with our FREE Accountability Toolkit
Read what some of our members have to say about
the impact of enACT